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June 2018
Ed Berg, Annie Wong, and Ellie Broadman percussion coring on Kelly Lake
Annie Wong and Darrell Kaufman on the Skilak River floodplain near Pothole Lake
Ed Berg, Annie Wong, Abby Boak, Ellie Broadman, and Emmy Wrobleski prepare to launch for percussion coring on Kelly Lake
Darrell Kaufman and Scott Anderson happy to be on the water at Pothole Lake
Skilak glacier on a cloudy day as seen from the ice contact lake near Pothole Lake
Abby Boak, Ellie Broadman, Emmy Wrobleski, and Annie Wong on Kelly Lake
Emmy Wrobleski, Annie Wong, and Ellie Broadman examining sediment extruded from a Livingstone corer at Kelly Lake
Ellie Broadman and Annie Wong retrieving surface sediments with a Uwitec percussion corer at Kelly Lake
Ellie Broadman, Scott Anderson, and Annie Wong unloading gear from the Otter at Pothole lake
Emmy Wrobleski, Annie Wong, and Abby Boak on a hike along the Skilak River, toward Skilak glacier
Fine sediments entering Skilak Lake from Skilak River
Aerial view of Pothole Lake
Coring platform on Kelly Lake
Aerial view of Sunken Island Lake
June 2017
Sunken Island Lake, Kenai lowlands
Ellie Broadman and Ed Berg percussion coring at Sunken Island Land
A crust at the sediment-water interface of Sunken Island Lake
Paradox Lake, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Fish Lake, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Petersen Lake, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Annie Wong and David Fortin taking a Uwitec surface core at Sunken Island Lake
Annie Wong and David Fortin taking a Uwitec surface core at Sunken Island Lake
Annie Wong and Ellie Broadman ready to transport the coring raft
Ed Berg and Ellie Broadman bringing coring materials into Paradox Lake
David Fortin and Ellie Broadman getting ready to create a bathymetric map at Sunken Island Lake
Watson Lake, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge